Monday, December 8, 2008


This weekend was just what I needed. On Saturday I went into Kai Fa Qu to have lunch at The Real Eddie's. They have the best western food around. I love their pizza and especially the roasted vegetable sandwich. They also just stocked up on new imports like taco seasoning, salsa, mozarella cheese, pasta sauce, and spices. Mmmm :) We met up with Steve from Shanghai (the guy who used to teach physics here last year. Both Anita and I discovered his blogs before we came to DMLIS and that's how we met eachother). I did a little shopping at Trustmart after lunch and then finished all my marking at Starbucks. I picked up a tiny fake Christmas tree and some garlands to decorate our place. When I got back to Manjitan I treated myself to a massage and then hung out with Anjali. On Sunday, Anita and I came right home after church, but we still didn't get back until 4 pm! We did some shopping at the local markets in Manjitan. There's a wonderful spot to buy fresh chicken breasts and all the fruits and vegetables are sooo cheap. We had a potluck dinner and listened to Christmas music.
But the best part of the weekend was the discovery of most of my lost items. My cell phone was at the bottom of my purse (I swear I emptied my purse twice and didn't see it - I don't know how it got there), my USB was in one of my sweater pockets (I took all the clothes out of my closest this weekend and checked all the pockets), my attendance sheets were in the vice-principal's office, and my favourite mug was in the fifth floor office. My laptop is still MIA, but I have faith that it will pop up somewhere this week.


Unknown said...

Didn't you say that you tried calling your phone, and it didn't ring? Was it dead or something? Great that you got it all back though, anyways! And losing the laptop, it's bittersweet, really :P

Benjamin Davidson said...

By "Adam said..." Google means "Benjamin said from Adam's computer..."

Catherine said...

I have no idea how I didn't notice that my cell was in my purse! It was dead by the time I found it, but shouldn't have been at the time that I called it! I'm kind of happy for the excuse to get a new laptop, but I wish I still had it for the next couple months until I can afford a new one. Oh, and I knew it was you, Ben :)

boersma said...

Congrats on finding most of your stuff back! Another classic Catherine moment :P. And ditto on the laptop thing, it's not a total loss. :)

And in response to your comment on my blog - I'll be jealous of your Chinese New Year Break next year - compared to that, Christmas break is a weekend.