Saturday, November 7, 2009

JiuZhaiGou - where Autumn kisses Spring

During our week in Chengdu, we managed to experience all four seasons in three days. JiuZhaiGou was the marriage of spring and fall. Although the leaves were just starting to change colours, there were still so many images of new life: wildflowers, butterflies and buds, and blossoms. The colours were vibrant and fresh and the air was so clean - so unlike any other place in China.

At the same time, the deep blues of the various lakes looked like they belonged with sandy ocean beaches and palm trees. We experienced the remnants of summer in Chengdu, with temperatures touching thirty degrees and plenty of sunshine.

Fall is definitely the best time of year to visit JiuZhaiGou. The vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows of the changing leaves contrast beautifully with the crystal clear blue lakes and waterfalls.

And who can forget winter? Even in the summer heat of Chengdu, we met Santa Claus and danced to Jingle Bells. On the drive between JiuZhaiGou and HuangLong, we passed by a glacier and snowmen. The temperatures at HuangLong were close to zero degrees, so we bundled up in scarves, mittens and long underwear. Anita had to buy a whole new outfit since she had only come with shorts and flip flops. Ironically, I was prepared for the cold since Anita had cautioned me to pack warm clothes before we left.

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