Sunday, September 7, 2008

Where did the weekend go?

So yesterday I had grandiose plans of finishing a lot of my prepping for the term, but I ended up cleaning my place, doing laundry, and checking my email instead. So that evening I went down to Dragon, our apartment manager, and hired someone to clean for me. Hopefully that will free up some time in my schedule. Saturday night, I also went over to Anita and Rody's place for a potluck to thank Brian (Dragon's assistant) and Lei Li for helping them move in. We thought we were doing these two guys a favour by cooking home-cooked food since we see them eating out all the time. But little did we know that Lei Li used to be a cook himself. He took over all his supplies and made the most amazing dishes, including fish soup and a turnip carved into a rose.
Today I went to the Dalian International Christian Fellowship again with the girls from my Thursday Bible study: Rody, Anita, and Sui Ki. They changed their location to a university out by Tiger Beach to accommodate a growing congregation. I love how multi-cultural the church is and the pastor's messages always speak to my heart. We even have the opportunity to get involved in the community and volunteer at an orphanage. I can't wait to make more connections with people from Dalian!

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