Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Things I miss...

Don't get me wrong - I love life in China. But there are certain things I really miss from home. This is for all those people out there thinking about moving to China - I wish I had this list before I came!
Tortilla shells (O frabjous day! I found them at Metro today)
Taco Chips (yay, also at Metro!)
Chocolate Chips
Bread that isn't sweet
Normal milk
EXPO whiteboard markers (ours run out sooo quickly)
Hockey Night in Canada, reality TV (yeah, I know, I'm addicted), Gray's Anatomy, the Big Bang Theory, Lost...
Rock Band
Dutch candies
Quaker Chocolate-Chip Granola Bars (I don't know what I'm going to do when they run out)
Rustic Touch, Clear Power and other Melaluca cleaning supplies (they're amazing, really)
An in-tune piano

I am sooo glad I brought:
Medication (I've become the resident dealer)
My whole spice collection
Herbal tea
Earplugs (the noise from construction, honking cars, and barking dogs is enough to keep anyone up at night)
My music!

I am grateful for the little luxuries China has to offer:
Cheap taxi rides (even though it feels like I'm risking my life every time I step into a taxi!)
My ayi (she is truly amazing)
Great food
DVD's at a steal
So many places to explore...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful list! All should take note, no doubt.

Benjamin Davidson said...

With you gone, there's something missing on the other side of the Pacific too.

boersma said... I didn't see my name on that list of things you miss...

Oh's cus I'm not a thing ;)
You don't need to say it, I know you miss me :)

Your super-cool awesome sister